daily painting | amaryllis sprout

After being too shocked and news-addicted to paint yesterday on such a humiliating day for our country, I pulled out my watercolors today to soothe myself. Did one of a neighbor’s chili peppers. It bombed. Did another one of my orchid. Disaster. So, as it often happens, I tried one more quickie of the amaryllis bulb starting to sprout in my ceramic pitcher; the bulb was a lovely gift from a kind neighbor. Liked it; a very simple painting but this new growth is a comfort as 2021 begins. Too bad the new year’s promises changed dramatically to showcase shameful behavior by politicians. And lies and shocking violence. I got the hell out of my house today to watch plovers zipping around the water’s edge at Crab Cove with a dear friend (it helped). And we saw long-legged stilts. And diving terns. And dozens of other shorebirds. I’m really too speechless to say much today. But I do desperately want to hope that the truth will win out someday. It always does — always. Sometimes it takes too long. But it always bubbles up to the surface. I am a big believer in telling the truth, however uncomfortable or painful. It’s an absolute necessity regardless of how overwhelmingly noisy the lies are. We will survive this stinky swamp. I believe in us.

7.5″ x 7.5″ watercolor, pen, acrylic ink on paper = $75




daily painting | piglets

Wrestling piglets in the straw-strewn dirt — what could be cuter? These inseparable litter mates, I am told, will grow up and get huge. So I really enjoyed their cheeky adorableness out at the new location of Maker Farm next to Ploughshares Nursery. Charlotte’s Web comes to mind, with Charlotte saving Wilbur the pig. I loved those books, Stuart Little in particular. Probably because Stuart could fit into those clever little matchboxes and be safe, a feeling I longed for when I was Emily Little (how I loved those illustrations!). Today’s trip to buy groceries felt far from safe and made me so anxious, with Covid marching through California and getting more clever. Always happy after a crowded store experience to come home and scrub my hands with Clorox and Brillo pads and gargle with Lysol. Ugh. But this too shall piss — uh, pass. Happy Merry New Year, everyone. All the cliches have already been said about 2020, but my wish for 2021 is that our hearts can heal from loss and we can have hope again. And give each other lots and lots of hugs. LOTS.

7″ x 10″ watercolor, pen, acrylic ink on paper = $90