I just read this phrase in a NYT book review and it caught me: “How does a woman detach herself from the Western cult of productivity?” This resonated, as I find myself arguing with myself when I am tired and exhausted from grief and want to lie down and read a book in the middle of a weekday afternoon. Must produce! Must do things! Must accomplish! And the kitchen floor needs sweeping!
Horse pucky.
My involuntary “retirement” from freelance graphic design work, a result of the pandemic, has created new opportunities (like making art and looking after sick sibs). And at times I just don’t feel like producing anything, art or otherwise. I’m tired and want to rest and collect myself. So here’s my new goal — guilt-free do-nothing-ness. I openly rebel against social norms. Tired old ladies unite!
10″ x 9″ watercolor, ink, Inktense blocks on paper = $125